Broadside of the Declaration of Independence, July 9, 1776
 Entire Record

This rare surviving example of a broadside (poster) of the Declaration of Independence, the essential document of the United States, was printed on July 9, 1776 by John Holt in New York City only five days after it was adopted by the founding fathers in Philadelphia. The Declaration was read from the steps of the county courthouse in White Plains by order of the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New York. On July 11, 1776, the former colony was now a state. Broadsides such as this one helped spread the word of independence throughout the emerging new nation.

This record is also associated with:
White Plains

Title Broadside of the Declaration of Independence Format Printed sheet
Repository Westchester County Archives (secured offsite vault) Number of Pages 1
Collection Dimensions 20" x 12"
Call Number Control #2-3 Transcription No
Creator John Holt jpeg File Name declaration.jpg
Creation Date July 9, 1776 tif File Name declaration.tif

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